HID® MIFARE® DESFire® EV3 + iCLASS® + Prox™


A powerful multi-purpose credential that allows migration from Prox and iCLASS technologies to high security

Secure credentials are a critical component of a modern physical access control program. Not only do new credential technologies, including DESFire EV3, offer a higher level of protection against threats like spoofing and hacking, they also deliver support for a range of applications beyond physical access control.

DESFire EV3 is the latest addition to the MIFARE DESFire family of smart card chipsets from NXP. This latest evolution introduces the option of even more features for implementation, and HID has taken full advantage.

DESFire EV3 + iCLASS + prox, multi-technology credentials maintain interoperability with legacy iCLASS and 125 kHz readers and are designed to enable security system owners with a smooth migration path from legacy low-frequency 125 kHz-based systems and legacy iCLASS  to a modern and secure credential technology.  All readers do not immediately need to be upgraded when starting a migration. For enterprise clients with a wide mix of technologies, this allows for a smooth implementation of the reader upgrade as costs can be budgeted over an ideal timeframe.

HID DESFire EV3 cards leverage security features including AES128 encryption, secure channel-based file transfer and proximity checks to protect card data from attack. Furthermore, unlike many other DESFire solutions available on the market, random UID has also been introduced to our security profile to restrict the card from openly sharing any information that could be associated with the user.

DESFire EV3 credentials from HID also offer layered security with the addition of a Secure Identity Object™ (SIO™) data model for added key diversification, authentication signatures and encryption.

Key Features:

  • Feature-rich security — Secure card data with the best implementation of the DESFire EV3 toolbox including AES128 encryption, secure channel-based file transfer and proximity check to protect against man-in-the-middle attacks
  • Added assurance — Available with the portable Secure Identity Object (SIO) data model for added key diversification, authentication signatures and encryption
  • User privacy — By implementing a random UID, the card will never openly share any information that could be associated with the user
  • Fully backwards compatibility — Ensure your investment in legacy DESFire credentials and readers is protected; DESFire EV3 credentials offer fully backwards compatibility with EV1 and EV2 based solutions
  • Flexibility — Available in three profiles to ensure the best fit for your access control system: high security, compatibility and custom
  • Simplified, cost-effective migrations — Support for 125 kHz prox contactless technology  and iCLASS 13.56mhz to enable migration from legacy credentials